Ukraine will win!

...and be united again!

Ukraine, Odessa, Dums’ka Square, View on the white city hall building in neoclassical style
Child & bicycle on Dums’ka Square

My work has brought me to Ukraine many times and for a long time now. In recent years, Ukraine has been moving away from its Soviet past by leaps and bounds, which I was nevertheless able to catch here and there. Ukraine was moving at high speed towards modernity and fully returning to the Europe to which its population aspired. Take these images as testimony to a past era that the war will ultimately have definitively erased. This is a Ukraine that no one will be able to see again. Let us hope that the rebirth of Ukraine, as its people desire, will soon arrive.

This power station was just in front of our office and whenever I visited my colleagues, I took some pictures of this nowadays so incredibly symbolic place. At this time, it looked to me like the symbol of the post sovietism. Never imagined what these pictures will stand for few years later…

This monastery, founded in 1051 on the outskirts of Kyiv, takes its name from the caves where its first inhabitants settled. A bastion of Orthodoxy in the Middle Ages, in 1688 it received the status of Laure, a monastery in the Orthodox world and a center of pilgrimage. The Cave Lavra (or Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra) is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Odessa as a contrast to how Ukraine can and has been as well

Situation has changed, Russia has invaded Ukraine Feb 20. 2014 and again Feb 24, 2022. Today Ukraine is fighting to save the independence of the country and keep integrity of its territory. All over Europe and even in most countries of the world people are demonstrating in support to Ukraine. Even Russian diaspora is supporting this fight for freedom and self-determination of Ukraine.

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